Office of International Affairs
Dean姓名職稱負責業務分機Tiger Tien Ph.D.DeanFormulating the development strategies for the OIA and in charge of overall administrative management of the office.2660E-mail: tigert@hk.edu.tw連絡電話: 886-4-26318652傳真: +886-4-26314074聯絡地址: No. 1018, Sec. 6, Taiwan Boulevard, Shalu District, Taichung City 433304, Taiwan (R.O.C.)職務代理人: Cheaw-Ni Lee Secretary姓名職稱負責業務分機Peyton LeeSecretaryCoordinating and overseeing all matters related to the OIA.2232E-mail: peyton5400@hk.edu.tw連絡電話: 886-4-26318652傳真: +886-4-26314074聯絡地址: No. 1018, Sec. 6, Taiwan Boulevard, Shalu District, Taichung City 433304, Taiwan (R.O.C.)職務代理人: Morgan Chi
Formulating the development strategies for the OIA and in charge of overall administrative management of the office.
Coordinating and overseeing all matters related to the OIA.
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