弘光科技大學華語文中心/Chinese Language Center, Hungkuang University
在台華語學習者 / Mandarin learners in Taiwan
【課程費用/Tuition fee】
1200元(含材料費)/1200 NTD (including material cost)
前15位報名者: 500元/The first 15 applicants: 500 NTD
課程人數上限: 每堂課30人/All courses are limited to 30 students per class.
【報名/Apply here】
額滿為止/until fully booked
★★After completing the online application, payment amount will be notified by email.
【聯絡方式/Contact Us】
劉嘉茵 June Liu
Email: jiayinl2022@hk.edu.tw
Tel: 04-26318652#2235
For further information: 課程簡章