
1. 入學申請表
Application Form for International Student Admission

2. 入學申請切結書
Affidavit for Application

3. 外國學生申請人在臺就學檢核表及切結書
Checklist and Affidavit for International Students Seeking to Study in Taiwan

A copy of the TOCFL certificate Level 2 or above (Native Chinese speakers are exempt from this requirement.)

★ 語言能力規定:
申請就讀時,應提供基本語文能力證明;華語部分以「華語文能力測驗」(TOCFL)成績 2 級以上能力證明為準。 (以中文為母語者免附)
Applicants should provide a certificate of language proficiency in Chinese when applying for admission. For admission to a Chinese-taught program, a TOCFL (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language) certificate for Level 2 or above  is required.(Native Chinese speakers are exempt from this requirement.)


5. 最高學歷證書(中、英文以外之語文,應附中文或英文譯本)
The highest educational diploma authorized by the Taiwan Overseas Representative Office (notarized copy translated in English or Chinese is necessary if the original diploma is not in English or Chinese)

6.最高學校成績證明 (中、英文以外之語文,應附中文或英文譯本)
The highest educational transcript authorized by the Taiwan Overseas Representative Office (notarized copy translated in English or Chinese is necessary if the original diploma is not in English or Chinese) 

Copy of passport or other equivalent verification nationality

Financial Statement

具備足夠在臺就學之財力,帳戶存款金額至少美金3,500 元(或新台幣 100,000 元),或獎學金證明

A financial statement with sufficient funds (to support your study in Taiwan) and with a minimum balance of US$3,500 or a copy of a scholarship award notification.


Personal Statement

Personal Data Collection Agreement


※ 詳細入學申請資訊參考招生簡章內容 ※